Thursday, October 14, 2021

QBASIC pattern program to print *****, ****, ***, **, * (SUB/FUNCTION)

QBASIC pattern program to print the stars in right angle triangle shape (SUB/FUNCTION)

QBASIC Program to print the stars pattern in Pyramid shape (SUB/FUNCTION) 1

QBASIC Program to print the pattern 11111, 1111, 111, 11, 1 (SUB/FUNCTION)

QBASIC Program to print the pattern 1, 11, 111, 1111, 11111 (SUB/FUNCTION)


QBASIC Program to print the pattern 2, 22, 222, 2222, 22222 (SUB/FUNCTION)


QBASIC Program to print the pattern 55555, 4444, 333, 22, 1 (SUB/FUNCTION Procedure)


QBASIC Program to print the pattern 54321, 5432, 543, 54, 5 (SUB/FUNCTION Procedure)


QBASIC Program to print the pattern 5, 54, 543, 5432, 54321 (SUB/FUNCTION Procedure)


QBASIC Program to print the pattern 12345, 1234, 123, 12, 1 (SUB/FUNCTION Procedure)


[Download PDF] Computer Science Book Gread-10 in Nepali Language

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